Friday, December 4, 2020



Pope John Paul II “Nakedness itself is not immoral. Immorality is present only when nakedness plays a negative role with regard to the value of the person…”
We must get by the stigma so many religious spirits have unrighteously placed upon the naked body. Being a Christian means putting on the divine traits of Jesus. There’s no longer a need to feel shame in private or public about our bodies. All things are lawful unto believers.
Clothing in biblical times was worn for warmth or prestige, not to cover their bodies for fear of someone seeing them unclothed.
When we respect the nude we will no longer have any shame about it. A creator honoring view of the human body dispels the fantasy, porno-prudish religiously taught and exploited concept in western culture. The church urgently needs repentance and reformation from the flight from the body. A prudish view is a pornographic view. Placing an obscene or indecent sexual connotation of the sight of gender body parts creates a sexually objectified body allowing the features of personal gender identity and distinction to be ignored. We have abandoned the human body by surrendering God’s image and temple into secular hands and Satan. We need to start behaving as if the “fearfully and wonderfully made” naked human body never stopped being “very good”. (Gen 1:31)
The crowning touch of God’s creation is regarded as something shameful to be covered and hidden. Time after time the prophets in the Old Testament came under the influence of the Holy Spirit, took off their clothes, stood or fell down naked, and prophesied and praised God.
This sense of shame is not inborn. It is learned. Babies have no shame and neither did many early Christians in biblical times. We live in a society in which sexuality is very distorted. God made nothing more beautiful and dignified than the human body.
Clothes were for man’s mental comfort, thinking he could hide, and were not for God’s benefit. When one builds a temple, he usually doesn’t mind if people look at the masterpiece and admire it. We are God’s masterpiece, a temple wonderfully made. The misuse of God’s gifts, not using our bodies as God intended is what makes God angry. Our bodies are not obscene. The problem is that society makes us look at the body as a sex object rather than the beautiful creation God intended it to be. Being unclothed is not immoral, the immorality lies in not respecting our bodies and the bodies of others.
It's an insult to God to hide the gift of our bodies in shame. A gift from God should be displayed proudly.

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