Friday, October 23, 2020



Adam and Eve’s coverings separated their sexuality and who they were made to be since they were now aware of the sin they had committed. Similarly, Satan tempts us to cover the parts of us we feel are different. Shame and hiddenness form a barrier between us and God, and us and each other. Shame ultimately builds an emotional and spiritual prison in which only we get to live. Satan loves this.
Relying on perceived differences, shame primarily attacks our identity, it lies about who we are and wants to convince us that something is wrong with us.
We can rest knowing Jesus’ death and resurrection conquered our shame and guilt. Because we are “in Christ” we don’t have to hide anymore from God or anyone else. We are free to be genuine with all our gifts, struggles, and nakedness.
(2 Cor 3:17)
Christ asks us to partner with Him to break this cycle of shame. To do this we must share what we so desperately want to hide. We need to return to the way things were in the Garden before the fall and in so doing seek the cloaking of God’s Spirit on us as it was in the beginning.

Friday, October 9, 2020

God’s Design Of Our Bodies In Creation

God’s Design Of Our Bodies In Creation

He designed us for union with Him and others. Our bodies have been created by God and are good. Our bodies reveal deep truths about the meaning of life. Through our bodies we make visible the love of God.
Our gender and sexuality were designed to lead us to joy, connection, life, growth, relationships, family, pleasure, children, and marriage. God must really enjoy these things to have planned for us to participate in them.
The human body is very special to God, it is an intrinsic part of who we are as human beings, it is the personal handiwork of God, there is no shame to be found in our bodies as God created them.
We are created to receive God, contain God, be one with God, and express God.
We are spiritual beings, personal beings, moral beings, rational beings, and creative beings.
Conformity damages the Spirit of God’s people, diversity rules, there are no two exactly alike. Re-creation comes only by new birth, a spiritual rebirth that enables us to be fashioned after God, who is spirit.
We are made for procreation, visual pleasure, physical pleasure, relief of physical and emotional stress, to comfort one another, and to sacrifice. Submission is a part of the overall being. We are made and challenged to bring us out of our comfort zone.
The sexual aspect of our being is to be restricted to the covenant of marriage.