Friday, September 11, 2020

Why Did Being Naked Shame Adam and Eve

Why Did Being Naked Shame Adam and Eve

Prior to sin they were clothed in God’s glory, after eating the fruit it departed.
To be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Prior to the fall they were going to live forever, AKA life. They were both naked, but felt no shame, AKA peace.
When they ate the fruit God’s Spirit departed and they became aware of their minds, emotions, and bodies. They had sinned and thus felt shame.
All they had ever known was God’s glory, they felt the loss of God’s glory and Spirit from them and wanted to hide from God.
They were not what they were and ought to be to represent God to the rest of creation as His stewards. They were the first married couple.
The climate was perfect for them until they sinned and then they needed protection from cold, heat, or bad weather. They were naked and not ashamed before they sinned.
SATAN deceived them.

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