Friday, July 3, 2020

Natural Man vs Spiritual Man

Natural Man vs Spiritual Man

Natural man seeks destruction, corruption, things of the belly, shameful things, earthly things, treats things as objects.
Spiritual man seeks God, life, building up, things of the Spirit, all that God made good in creation, heavenly things.
Natural man concerns himself with the excesses of life.
Spiritual man exercises self-control, is not abusive, obsessive.
Natural man seeks strong self and relies on no one. He is the center of all activity.
Spiritual man recognizes his weaknesses and throws himself upon God’s mercy, considers others before self, recognizes he needs help to overcome the world, he can do nothing of his own power.
Natural man makes his own rules and laws.
Spiritual man seeks to be the creation of God made and intended, following the law established in the Garden of Eden.
Natural man looks to self, sees no wisdom in forgiveness.
Spiritual man looks outside of self, understands and practices a life of forgiveness.
Natural man scoffs at the idea of servitude, serves only himself.
Spiritual man understands that service is a privilege in and of itself, seeks no gain.

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