Friday, February 28, 2020

Faith – A Spiritual Gift?

Faith – A Spiritual Gift?

Too many of our judgements and decisions appear to be based solely upon the input our brains receive from the world.  Our senses also have been corrupted by what the world would have us believe.

Faith is a gift that God has given us.  Not something we can manufacture. 

Faith is the belief that what we hope for will assuredly happen.  It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see or perceive.

Perseverance is not giving up because we fail to see with our physical eyes. That physical evidence is not perceived or seen.

In the world physical evidence is presented and judgements made on that evidence.  Faith is evidence that many would deny because it is not physical in nature.  We are not to judge by our senses or physical evidence but by Faith and the belief it encompasses.

Prayer is a key component of Faith.  Continuous prayer.  Prayer is not a sign of little or weak Faith but rather a sign of persistent Faith.

When we become discouraged and loose Faith we are giving Satan the opportunity to accuse us and the world reason to revile us and not believe in what we believe and give witness to in our lives.  Actions and words do have importance in Faith.

Faith and prayer go hand in hand.  We pray, we trust, we believe, we speak, and we act in accordance with what God reveals to us without fear.  We believe in God who is master of all.  We reject Satan and man’s ways.  We do not fear the world for our Faith and prayer keep us in God’s care.  His world and kingdom are more important that the Satan driven world man has embraced.

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