Some of the Characteristics That Every Child Of God Should Have
They hear Gods voice, they are blameless and harmless, they are bold
as a lion, they have a contrite spirit, they are faithful, they fear the Lord,
they are godly, they have no guile, they are humble, they hunger and thirst
after righteousness, they are merciful, they are generous, they are obedient,
and they are watchful.
They are led by the Spirit of God (He abides within). They are unafraid of the world and stand in
opposition to the world and its beliefs and deceptions. They seek to return to the Garden and the
freedom that God instilled. They are not
afraid, inhibited, ashamed, because of the world. They seek to be as God
created them in the Garden, in the fullness of Gods cloaking spirit and
glory. They stand in contrast to Satan’s
deceptive corrupt world and man who follows him.